7:00-9:00 Wake up, get showered/dressed, have breakfast, get chores done
9:00-9:20 H and M read their Bibles/Devotionals and I read a Bible story to C and A
9:20-10:30 H will start her Classical Writing and Grammar while M does his spelling on his own. Once H is underway, I will start M on his math. Usually he only needs me for a short amount of time.
10:30-12:00 I will start H on her math lesson while M works independently on his handwriting. He's starting cursive, so he might need me to start him out. We'll see how that works. Then I'll start M on his Classical Writing and Hannah will do her Latin independently.
In spare times during all this, C will get time to do his Alpha Phonics, Explode the Code, and Math U See Primer. Also, there will probably be a working or breaktime snack in here along with some breaks to run around outside or play with A as weather and time permit.
12:00-1:00 Usually we take an hour for lunch. Sometimes I start reading a book (fiction or from our history curriculum) while they eat if I think we need the time.
1:00-2:00 At 1 pm A goes down for his nap, and I do science and history with the other 3 kids. This usually happens at the couch where we snuggle up and read.
2:00 Our scheduled school day is over by this time. The kids have a rest time where they read quietly to themselves while C and A are napping. Typically in the past H has used this time to continue working because she has mastered the art of procrastination. This is also mom's coffee, chocolate, Facebook, blogging break.
Now, let it be known that this is my IDEAL schedule. For some reason the kids don't seem to want to work this way. They try to skip around on their schedules and always want help at the same time. I sure hope I'm not the only one who occasionally wants to pull her hair out. What I really ought to do is write down exactly how one day goes to see how close I get to this one.
If you'd like to read more "Day In the Life" posts, head on over to the NOT Back-to-School Blog Hop and check them out.
I actually did that very thing today. An hourly photo with notes. It was.....eh...good and bad. HA HA! I enjoyed your post! Thanks for sharing!